What’s going on players? Papa Jack comin’ at you today with some breaking news from the SPU!
We’ve been hard at work behind the scenes to create a better, more in-depth community for you boys to join.
After toying around with some different ideas like a chat group or other such nonsense, we ultimately decided that the best way to let you guys communicate and learn from each other – and myself – most effectively would be a forum setting.
After some time creating the site, setting it up, and testing out the different aspects of it, I’m very excited to bring it to you now…
The Seoul Players Forum!
What is the forum?
The SPU Forum is a place where we can all talk about the challenges and triumphs of game, work on our wily winning ways with women, and share advice about all things game and Korea related. There are guys from all over Korea (and outside of Korea) on the forum already, and also guys with all different levels of game. We all love talking about it and working out our strategies together, and this is the safest place to do it.
But… How do I join?
I know, I know, you’re wondering how you can get access to such a wonderful treasure trove of truth. The good news is that’s it’s super easy… especially if you’ve been coming to this site for a while!
All you have to do is visit us at forum.theseoulplayer.com and sign up! Once you’re into the forum, you’ll post your introduction, your level of game, your goals, and your relationship to me, if any. That’s all that it takes!
The introduction post is necessary to 1) keep out the fat feminist trolls, and 2) help us know where you are currently with game and where you’re trying to get. This is how we can help you to best achieve your goals.
It also becomes your own personal progress blog where you will post the things that you are doing to work toward your goal. This type of accountability will help you to better reach your goals and also help us know how to better serve you in that purpose.
The site even offers desktop notifications and a direct-access app on your phone to get straight to all the good stuff! Damn, I’m even a bit impressed myself talking about it. Whatever, this is about you guys, not about me.
So don’t wait another minute! Hop on over and join us NOW!
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