What’s going on players? Hope you’re all enjoying the Coronapocalypse and staying in! It’s a good time to read some books and work on improving our minds.
Yesterday I was reading a Robert Kiyosaki book and he mentioned something that caught my interest. He said that he had attended a seminar on goal setting years ago, and the instructor had taught them the phrase, “Be, Do, Have.” In the book, he touches on the concept briefly so I’m going to go a bit deeper with it here and explain how it relates to you and game.
He said that everybody wants to have something. In order to have that thing, they want to know what to do. However, most people don’t understand that in order to do that thing successfully, one must be the type of person who will do that thing.
He gives an example of someone wanting to lose weight – what they want to have. They know they need to diet and exercise – what they have to do. But because do not accept the personality and mindset shift required – the be element – they ultimately go back to their bad habits and fail at their weight loss goals.
This was a bit of a side note to make a larger point more in scope to that book, but it struck me as especially meaningful. This concept is a huge part of getting better with women and improving yourself overall. I’ve actually been teaching this concept for years, but I never had such a succinct way of explaining it before.